Monday, May 24, 2010

Hail to the Princess!

This song is from the start of "Sleeping Beauty" for those of you who don't know it I will translate for you:

Hail to the King! Hail to the Queen!

Hail to the Princess Aurora!

Hail Aurora! (da da da da) Hail Aurora! (da da da da)

Health to the Princess, Wealth to the Princess,

Long live the Princess Aurora!

I think it is pretty hilarious how she sings this song. And she sings it a lot. She marches around the house and sings it over and over. Today at the grocery store she was following me around singing it at the top of her lungs.


  1. she is so darling and we love her very much!! Keep up the great singing. Love grandpa and grandma ross

  2. Fabulous!!! She's got such talent and I love how she's so serious about it. :) I actually found my "Rose" DVD this week too!!! We're definitely going to have to watch it soon.
