Saturday, May 15, 2010


Here are a couple funny ones that Gem whipped out this week.

She was looking at the cover of the conference ensign we just got. If you haven't seen it, it has a picture of President Monson standing by his wife, Frances. Anyways Gem looks at it and says "What's that? A great-grandma?"

We were sitting at dinner the other day and Gem declares "Daddy you a exagog on you a shirt?" And lo-and-behold there was a hexagon on Tyler's shirt, what kind of two year old knows what a hexagon is?


  1. Ummmm...your two year old!!!

  2. first of all sweatheart (notice the spelling) your little girl is almost 3 and all 3 yrs old know what a hexagon is. That is one of the developmental milestones we talk about in the office, right up there with blowing your nose. Second, I am saddened by the deaths on the patio, this is why you have to practice being a gardener because it doesn't come natural. I hope my garden survives while we are gone because I put 15 minutes of effort into it before we left.

  3. another development milestone of Ross 3 yr olds is being able to do calculus along with their geometry
