Thursday, October 25, 2012


 I got Gem's school picture today.  I must say I was rather impressed.  For one I had despaired that her hair would look nothing like how it was when I sent her on the bus.  But apparently I put enough hair spray on.  Secondly (and I don't know how the photographer did it) they got her to actually smile.  So I suppose my fifteen dollars was well spent buying the cd.
 Today was crazy hair day at school.  I am sure by the end of all of the kids' school careers I will be very tired of crazy hair day, but for now it was kind of funny.  The pictures look a little weird, but it is just three ponytails with three different colored bows.


  1. I can't believe how long Gem's hair is!

  2. She's so grown up and big!!!! Her picture turned out great. Mimi's headband got moved too far forward and Liz's was alright. Whatever...I bought the cheapest package and left it at that. ;)
