Friday, February 24, 2012

Tyler's Lunch

Well sometimes around here I can't find things that are carb free for

lunch. So I made up this. In the bowl is tuna fish, miracle whip, hard-boiled eggs, pickles, and hot dogs. Tyler really likes it, but to me it looks horrifying.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Levi Later

Here is Levi enjoying red velvet cake after church the day I did his hair.

Thursday, February 16, 2012


Slow Dancing at our house is weird.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Oh Dear

This is the start of having three mobile little people around here.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Photo Shoot

Yesterday for church I attempted to do Levi's hair. It turned out like Sonic the Hedgehog, but still pretty cute. I tried to get Levi to stand still for pictures, but as you can see from his face here, he was not a willing participant. I ended up just following him around with the camera. The following are the best of dozens of pictures I ended up taking.

I liked this picture because it looks like he is modeling, staring off in the distance. Also it shows off his forehead scab. Hot stuff.

This picture was the best to actually show off his hair.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Well We Do Our Best

We have been having issues, at our house, of Gem acting like a four year old. So we decided to take matters into our own hands and have a family home evening lesson about sharing.

Gem is pretty smart and she loves to have FHE lessons. She likes it when Tyler and I are both paying attention to her and she knows how to give the right answers.

So we talked about sharing. After the lesson we reviewed what we had talked about and I asked her questions like this
Me: "K, Gem how many people can have fun with these markers if I share them?"
Me: Gem how can I share this game?
Me: How do we feel when we share with other people?
Gem: "HAPPY!"
Me: Do Heavenly Father and Jesus want us to share?
Gem: "YES!"

So I thought we had this whole sharing thing in the bag. To be even extra-sure I told Gem the story of Jesus feeding the 5,000. And we talked about how they shared their food with lots and lots of people. I was ready for the final experiment to see what a great "sharer" Gem was going to be from now on.

I pulled 8 crackers out of the bag. "Gem," I asked, "Should I keep all these crackers for myself?" "No," she answered, "You should share them". So I gave her six of the crackers. "Gem," I asked, "Should you keep all those crackers for yourself?" She looked at me and didn't say anything. "Gem," I prompted, "Should you share those crackers with Levi and Daddy?" "But I want them all!" was her reply.

What can you do?

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Happy Birthday Mom

Today is my mom's birthday, and since she is pretty well taken care of, that makes it difficult for me to get her things for her birthday. So I thought I would post some of the great things my mom has taught me, to say thanks to her for being a super mom.

1- Mom taught me to be organized. I have never seen her flustered about anything, because she always has a great grasp of what's going on, and she knows where everything is and what needs to be done.

2- Mom taught me efficiency, and to finish a job when it is started. I don't think I have ever seen her start something and then not finish it. No half finished projects around our house, and no wasted time dawdling or complaining.

3- Mom taught me consistency. We went to church every Sunday, no excuses. We were never late, no excuses. She goes to the gym consistently, no excuses. Mom doesn't let things slide, so neither should I.

4- She taught me to have a snack cupboard. I am not actually sure if that is good or bad, but it did mean when my friends and I wanted to choose which house to hang at, my house had a bit of a one-up.

5- She taught me to have a budget and pay tithing. My mom pays her tithing and fast offerings every month and that is a great example to me, and I have seen the blessings that come from that.

6- She taught me to work. How can I complain about working when she gets out and does her yardwork, paints her house, and fixes up the cabin? I saw her do dirty jobs and I know now that sometimes getting dirty is a good thing.

Thanks mom!