Saturday, June 18, 2011

June Dawn Ross

Here she is. What a cutie.... June Dawn Ross. Born Friday 17 June 2011. 7 pounds 2 ounces and 19.5 inches long. We typically don't go for the "shove the camera in the 4-hour-old's scrunched-up face and pretend it's cute" pictures, but the price was right for this one (free!).

Here's Tara. What a cutie.... As usual, she looks more like she just watched a mediocre movie than having just had a baby.

A proud Daddy.

A proud sister/playmate/overlord/friend.

We don't have a picture of Levi together with June. We still aren't sure if he'll try to eat her. He's a cutie too, in his own way.

Everyone is happy and healthy. We can't ask for more.


  1. Awwwww!!! She is a cutie! So glad everything went well. :) We're thinking of you guys.

  2. That picture is cute! You are so lucky to have so many wonderful healthy children. I hope I can be just like you! I am so happy for you guys. I can't wait to meet baby June in person. Hopefully for Christmas!

  3. Congrats! She is a cutie. I hope I get to see (and hold, rock, cuddle, etc.) her sometime soon!
