Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Coolest Thing Ever!! Numero Dos

I guess making mobiles is how I prepare for babies to come. For anyone who can't remember Coolest Thing Ever!! Numero Uno click here.

All I have to say is that Tyler and I are pretty darn amazing at making mobiles. Though I will admit that this took us over two hours to make and used eleven dollars worth of glitter. But it was totally worth it.


  1. LOVE IT!!! I'm so glad that June gets her own special mobile. You guys are so crafty and fun. I saw a mobile on a craft blog that was a whole bunch of dots cut out of paint sample cards. It was colorful and simple and I thought of you. I almost sent you the link! But the sparkly butterflies are just perfect for Baby June. :)

  2. I really really love it. How do you get all these great ideas? I think it was worth every penny of glitter. I also love love your cute pink baby girl stuff!
