Tuesday, March 8, 2011


We finally tried the crayon maker, which we got for Christmas, last weekend. Step one was to go through Gem's bucket of crayons and find all the broken ones, then we had to unpeel all the broken ones. So now I have a giant ziploc bag full of broken unpeeled crayons.

The next step is to decide what color you want to use. Gem being the crazy girl she is chose brown, oh well. So these are the crayons being melted here. Gem is doing the brown and green and daddy is doing the pink and yellow. It takes a while for the crayons to melt, so you have to hunker down for a bit.

Finally after they are all melted you can pour them into the molds. Then you have to wait another twenty or thirty minutes for them to cool back down into crayons.

Finally we have Gem holding half of the final product: one pinkish/purplish crayon and one brownish/greenish crayon.
Oh what colorful fun.

1 comment:

  1. So was it worth it? I didn't know you needed a fancy machine to make crayons. We made them last year for Valentines day in little heart molds in the oven. Such a pain peeling all those dang crayons, even though that's what kids to do crayons anyway!!!!
