Thursday, April 22, 2010

New and Funny Gem-isms

Gem talks a lot now. And she repeats things I say but tries to use them herself. It is pretty funny, for example, she now tells me how soon she is going to do things. "Gem a play a room da ten minuts" "Gem da go outside da three minuts". If only she actually knew what a minute was.

She has begun spelling words she sees and then guessing what they say by what the picture is. The only one she has gotten right so far was "T-E-M-P-L-E spells temple". That one was pretty obvious. I laughed pretty hard when she looked at the diapers box and proclaimed that H-U-G-G-I-E-S spells babies. In the car she lists all the letters on her car seat and says it spells "Gem's seat". Well, today in the car she saw three letters and this is what I heard from the front seat. "G-O-D spells Gem!" I thought I was going to die, and explained to her yet again that G-E-M spells Gem.

She also likes to compare things. She tells me things such as the sun is like the moon, and the plane is like a bird. Well today she was going on about elephants and I asked her if she was an elephant. She said no, so I asked her what she was. She replied that she was a baby. I said "you're not a baby" and she looked right at me and said "I kinda lika baby".

1 comment:

  1. That little girl cracks me up!!! G-O-D spells Gem! If only... Hahaha! I love to hear her talk and can't wait to hang out next Friday. :)
