Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Some thoughts

Just some random thoughts for my post today.

1- My daughter is obviously part Tyler, because yesterday afternoon she was hungry, and after two-o-clock I don't usually let her have any snacks until dinner, except frozen peas. I figure that vegetables is probably better than what she eats for dinner. So when she wants a snack in the afternoon it is always frozen peas. And I let her eat as many as she wants. Well she ate 6 cupfuls of frozen peas yesterday afternoon, and then for dinner we had homemade french bread and steamed broccoli. Well there was all this beautiful white bread on her plate that any normal kid would devour, and what does she do, she eats all the broccoli. Not just once, but I refilled her plate two extra times. What kind of child am I raising that just eats vegetables. I know her grandmother will be disgusted when she reads this, because I grew up in a home where peas and broccoli were not to be found.

2- Also I know I am a bad mother because yesterday afternoon I came down the stairs and I saw that Gem had taken off her pants, I didn't really think too much of it she is two of course. So I proceeded into the kitchen, a few minutes later Gem walked in and declared "Diaper off" so I said "no we don't take off our diapers" and I turned around and there was her bare bottom just hanging out there. I have no idea how long she had been diaper-less. Which leads me to my point. She is obviously ready to be potty-trained. If she can go who-knows-how-long without peeing all over my carpet, then she is old enough to go on the potty. However the dilemma is, she doesn't want to. I have offered candy rewards (maybe I should try broccoli), and she knows that everyone does it, but she just doesn't care. Tyler thinks I should go out and get her underwear and use that as a reward. I don't know. Really I think the problem is I am just lazy. Diaper changing doesn't bug me anymore, and potty training will be a big hassle.

3- Today in the bath tub I let her play with the bar of soap, being the wise mother I am. A few minutes later I hear screaming from the bathroom. And there she is rubbing soap into her eyes. Poor Gem. It is a rough life when you have to learn the hard way that soap doesn't mix well with eyeballs. The other thing she does now is hop out of the bathtub on her own and run around the house dripping wet. I am usually next door in the bedroom and here comes a sopping wet two year old saying "all done".

4- Finally Tyler and I need some opinions we have a boy name and a girl name we like but we don't want to do anything too weird. I like short, unique names but again I don't want to condemn a child to a lifetime of a psycho name. Anyway we like the name Jet for a boy (or Jett) and Jade for a girl (mostly I like Jade and Tyler is supporting me). So if those are too weird we need to know soon.


  1. Love that Gem girl! It's not a bad idea to try panties. She might not like being wet and then she'll figure it out. (But you will have to clean up the pee.) On the other hand, she may learn that you don't like cleaning up pee and just do it everywhere to annoy you. :)

    I really like the name Jade for a girl. I'm so-so for Jet, but I like Jett better. Both are pretty cool though!

  2. 1. I resemble that remark!!! You wouldn't have swallowed peas or broccoli if they were forced in your mouth anyway!
    2. If she is anything like her mother, she only goes once a day!! You were hard to potty train too cause you would never go!!!
    4. I like Jade. Do you have a fondness of airplanes? John Travolta's son that died was named Jett. If you are going for modes of transportation you can always use Van, Car, Bike, Cart, Trike........
