Friday, August 1, 2014

Gem's Birthday

 Yes a month ago it was Gem's birthday.  She is seven years old and will be starting 2nd grade at the bigger school this year.  (In Willard kindergarten and 1st grade go to their own school).
You can see she decorated her own cake (besides the words).

 For her birthday she wanted to go to a museum.  So I took her and a friend and June and Levi to the Discovery Museum in Salt Lake.  It is fun, but too expensive to be an all the time occurrence.  Everyone loved the grocery store section in the little "town".  Gem checked out quite a few customers at the register.  And June and Levi loved getting groceries.
 Here they are at a section of the farm.  They are very very slowly sending produce down the June powered conveyor belt to the basket, which then gets transferred to a truck which goes to the grocery store.  On a side note, which farm exactly has pineapples and corn?
 Another thing they loved was the lifeflight helicopter that they could explore.  It was right next to an "emergency room" where they could check on their patients including xrays and MRI's. 

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