First off we have June who went as our dress up box. We aren't sure what she was, she said she was a butterfly. I think she was a fairy princess ballerina angel.
Levi couldn't make up his mind if he was Robin or SuperWhy despite the fact that he was sporting his superman shirt with his cape from the dress up box and a mask we found on the road (seriously). His dad made him wear red underwear on the outside of his pants, prompting Gem to tell us repeatedly that he was captain underpants. I am not sure why we had to be so thorough as to make him wear red underwear, when I found out later that Superman doesn't even wear a mask. I like the picture below because it was the only one June smiled for, which figures because I was actually taking the picture of Levi.
Luke appears to be some sort of bug, or alien, or a baby with antannea.
Luke didn't want to wear his costume, he just wanted to eat it, so his face was covered with glitter by the end of the ward carnival.
Gem was Princess Celestia from My Little Pony. So she had wings, a unicorn horn, a crown, a cutie mark, and a tail made out of yarn.
It looks to warm to be Halloween. I love the mish mash of costumes. One day I will have a dress up box and then I won't have to create Halloween costumes anymore. When I grow up I am going to be more like you!