Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Natural History Museum

 We  had a great time at the Dinosaur Museum last week.  It was really fun to see Skylee and Eric and their super cute kids.
 This wasn't even the biggest dinosaur there was!
 All the kids really liked the canyon room, they got to play with the running water and sand.  Levi ate more sand then I would like to admit, but as long as they are having fun, right?
 We actually got a couple cute pictures of Gem for once, but I didn't want to change the sidebar picture, because that picture of her and the potato car is just too funny.

 The last room was a big room where the kids could dig for fossils.  They probably could have stayed there forever, but they only got a few minutes because it was time for dinner.

1 comment:

  1. WaHoo! I really want to go to the Treehouse museum you think we could handle it without Daddies or would that be insane?
