Monday, August 13, 2012

Random Stuff

 Gem lost her other front tooth.  It looks like she will be starting kindergarten with no top front teeth.  It gives her a little of a lisp :)  She gets to start kindergarten in two weeks, I am so excited to send her on the bus everyday to go talk to other people besides me.
 Last Friday we drove up to the top of the mountain by our house.  It was pretty fun, and nice to see what was at the top of something that has been in my backyard basically my whole life. 
Every 3 days we have been harvesting the garden and gotten about this much produce.  So as the family near us has noticed, we have to diligently try to give away food twice a week.  Luckily I think our corn is almost through, however I am still picking a dozen cucumbers twice a week.  I just have no idea what to do with so many cucumbers, and Saturday we picked a large bowl full of cherry tomatoes and that was just half of the bush.  Who needs so many cherry tomatoes?  It has been fun, but also a little difficult as I try to keep the food from going bad.

In other news my sister had her first baby yesterday.  Baby Ella was a whopping 8 lbs and 14 ounces, which made the labor and delivery a little more difficult than anyone would have liked.  It makes me just realize how lucky Tyler and I have been that we have never had any complications with our kids, and that everyone has always been so healthy.  We have been really really blessed.  Luckily baby Ella is amazingly adorable and healthy, so that might help Kayli's recovery a little bit.  So a big congratulations to Kayli and Liam!

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