Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Easter Eggs

I have such mixed feelings about decorating Easter eggs. You always think it is going to turn out to be fun and the eggs are all going to be adorable. You would think from past experience that I would remember how lame it always ends up being. No matter how nice you decorate an egg, it still just looks like an egg that got colored. Levi was also mad the entire time because I didn't let him eat the coloring, or ferociously stir the eggs, or much of anything. Though his dad did let him slam a hard-boiled egg into a chair. At least Gem had fun. But don't worry by next year I will forget all of this and I will think to myself how much fun it will be to color eggs.

1 comment:

  1. Coloring Easter eggs and carving pumpkins are on my list of least favorite holiday traditions! Messy Messy! I try to do it as painlessly as possible. Watercolors work awesome on eggs!
