Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Not Even an Hour Later

Let me explain the set-up. Last night I went to sleep at ten, Levi woke me up at eleven with his crazy coughing until midnight. So I fall back asleep until at two Gem starts crying, it takes a little while to get back to sleep, at four thirty it's June's turn, and maybe I was back asleep by five. Then the kids wake up at six fifteen. So let's say I have a little bit of a headache, k really a lot a bit of a headache.

After Gem finished her breakfast this morning (around seven) I sent her to her room to clean it up. A normal human could do this task in basically one minute, but Gem is no normal human. At nine forty five, it is still a pretty big mess. So I look at her and say "Gem please finish cleaning you room, I am going to take a shower." So at nine forty five, I walk into my bedroom to shower. Gem and Levi are happily not cleaning Gem's room and June is napping in the baby room.

At ten o clock a mere fifteen minutes later I walk out of my room, to find Gem yelling at the top of her lungs. "Help mom, we can't get out of the babies' room". I don't even want to look, but I must. Inside that room is one not-sleeping June with her face covered in desitin, one culprit Levi, who has opened the new bottle of desitin and tried eating it and painting his clothes with it, and one accomplice Gem who had her hands covered in desitin and couldn't open the door.

Gem has now been confined to her room until it is clean, or one of us reaches old age, whichever comes first. Levi is still wandering around like the devious person he is, I haven't figured out what to do for discipline with him yet, and poor baby June the innocent victim is now scooting around crying because she didn't finish her nap.

It is now ten thirty my head still hurts, Tyler still isn't home from Connecticut (where he had a nice trip, life isn't fair), and I want to lock myself in my room and stay there until after bedtime.

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