As a new year is upon us I have decided to postpone vacuuming the basement for about fifteen minutes and reflect upon this interesting time that is come.
I only read approximately 21 books this year which is less than one every two weeks. I'm a little disappointed with my numbers and this year I vow to do a little better, though it is a little difficult to have good reading time when everyone I know wants to play "Words with Friends" with me (but keep playing with me, I like to spell words). One book highlight from the year, both Tyler and I read A Tale of Two Cities this year and we both agree that if you haven't read that book you need to. You must press through the first half of that book to make it to the ending which is amazing.
On another book note, for this year Tyler and I are both going to finish the Book of Mormon by the end of August, in ample time for the Brigham City Temple open house. I am already behind, but have no fears I will finish in time.
So how did 2011 fare? Well Tyler and I keep track of three important things on three pieces of paper in our closet, and I will disclose them to you, so that I feel like that we have some kind of accountability.
Number one: We were 100% successful in going to the temple twenty times this year. But just barely, Tyler wanted to up our goal to 21 times this year but I think 20 is difficult enough.
Number two: Home Teaching and Visiting Teaching, I would say we were 75% successful, but since in previous years of my life I have been basically 0% successful, I am calling my 75% pretty darn good. My goal for this year is to keep the status quo, I know that is a lame goal but I have other things I need to do too.
Number three: Exercise. . . lets just say our exercise needs a little work. Our goal for this year is that Tyler will walk on his treadmill desk (We put that together with some Christmas bonus money) as much as possible, we are going to exercise together three times a week, I am going to try to run whenever Tyler is gone in the evenings, and Tyler is going to go on a no sweets or carbs diet on Tuesdays and Thursdays. They are small steps, wish us luck.
Various other thoughts about the new year include but are not limited to
1)I think I am going to try to clean the bathroom floors at least once this year (probably today).
2)I am going to work on the violin.
3)We are going to increase our savings.
4)I am not going to slice my finger open again.
I enjoy the new year, I love tossing away the nasty-ness of the previous year and starting over.
Since you play "Words With Friends" you might like to visit my blog to try my TV trivia anagram game. Have a happy new year.