Wednesday, November 16, 2011

A Couple Gem-isms

I haven't posted any funny things that Gem has said lately, but that doesn't mean she has stopped saying them. So for today I thought of three funny things about Gem to share with you.
1- Lately she has begun saying "you already told me that". For example if I say "Gem when you finish all your jobs you can have a treat", then five minutes later when she still hasn't started her jobs I reiterate by saying "Gem when you finish all your jobs you can have a treat". She looks at me as though I must be incredibly stupid and says "you already told me that." Usually I get a "you already told me that" at least once a day.
2- Last night while saying her prayers. "Please bless that mommy and daddy can go away so I can be in charge of the babies." Yah, I don't think so.
3- Finally my little brother has kindly shown Gem how to play MarioKart on the Wii. So now all Gem ever wants to do is play "the racing game". I have, in fact, on two occasions, seen her get first place. The only problem is she plays for hours, and I being the great, involved mother that I am, think to myself, well maybe it is a little better than just watching tv, and so I do nothing.

1 comment:

  1. Okay, I really did laugh out loud at #2. That is Liz's secret hope and desire too. Gee, I wonder where they get that little 'in charge' personality?!?! Hahaha!!! So funny.

    "You know, if that satellite falls in our backyard, Candace is in charge!"
