Saturday, January 29, 2011

Friday Afternoon

Friday afternoon we had a nice time here in the Ross house. It was a tropical forty degrees here so we decided it was high time we went for a walk.

We are indebted to Joy who gave us their double stroller, which allowed Tyler to push both children leaving me free to keep my hands in my pockets.

I think the kids enjoyed it, though you wouldn't be able to tell from Levi's face.

After our walk adventures, Tyler and I both had things we wanted to accomplish.

My project started out as a plain-Jane apron but after a little Sharpie power turned into some hot stuff (If I do say so myself). Now I just need to remember to wear it when I am baking.

Tyler wanted to document his pride and joy (LEGOS) before he disassembled them to prepare for a new big Lego project. (It's top secret so don't even ask)
He needed somewhere to store all the pieces so he used some of our box supply to form this fabulous Lego containers collection. He calculated he had over 8,000 pieces, which I feel is adequate but will never fulfill his Lego needs.

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