Monday, May 10, 2010

Sad Story

There has been a death on my patio. Probably no one out there will care as much as I do, but over the weekend I lost my mini rose plant. :( I was watering the roses the other day and I noticed some orange dust on the bottom of the leaves of our main rose. Well I didn't know what it was so I had to google it. And it turns out my roses had rose rust. I was naive of this dreaded fungus because it can't grown in Utah, because the spores of the fungus can't survive over 85 degrees. So Tyler and I had to cut out three quarters of my main rose, about half of my rose tree, and the mini rose wasn't salvagable and had to be dug out. I now know that I need to keep my rose leaves dry, by keeping them pruned out so there can be plenty of air circulation, and not watering in the late afternoon/evening. Who knew that roses can get rusty?

1 comment:

  1. That is definitely tragic!!! Mini-roses (or tea roses) are my favorite. Good luck with the next round and the ones you have left.
